0 Clinician's Review
0 Patient/Family Review
0 Clinician's Review
0 Patient/Family Review
0 Clinician's Review
0 Patient/Family Review
0 Clinician's Review
0 Patient/Family Review
0 Clinician's Review
0 Patient/Family Review
0 Clinician's Review
0 Patient/Family Review
0 Clinician's Review
0 Patient/Family Review
0 Clinician's Review
0 Patient/Family Review
0 Clinician's Review
0 Patient/Family Review
0 Clinician's Review
0 Patient/Family Review
0 Clinician's Review
0 Patient/Family Review

Frequently Asked Questions

Adolescent and Child Mental Health is concerned with the psychological well-being and emotional development of young people, as well as the resolution of mental health issues and the promotion of overall mental wellness.

Symptoms may include behavioral changes, mood swings, social withdrawal, academic difficulties, changes in sleep or appetite, and persistent feelings of sadness or anxiety.

Resources include consultations with pediatricians and child psychologists, as well as educational materials, support groups, and online platforms offered by credible mental health organizations.

By offering a safe environment, spotting possible problems, and working with parents and mental health specialists to provide intervention and support, schools play a critical role.

Cyberbullying, low self-esteem, and anxiety are mental health problems that can be exacerbated by excessive screen time and social media use. It's critical to establish boundaries and encourage positive digital behaviors.

When it comes to doing initial evaluations, referring families to mental health specialists when needed, and screening for mental health issues during routine check-ups, pediatricians are essential.